Instruction Manual
1.RCS Sclean Files must only be used after preparing the canal to at least #25
2.In multirooted teeth, begin with the largest canal. The canal should always contain irrigant.
3.Fix the canal working length by using the stopper to adjust the endo stop.
4.Place the RCS Sclean Files into the canal by lining up the tip facing the cusp, insert slightly into the canal. Then start motor and slowly thread the RCS Sclean Files into the canal.
5.Use the RCS Sclean Files for 1 minute , using slow and gentel 7-8 mm longitudinal movements to contact the full length of the canal. Make small multidirectional movements and avoid removing the files from the canal.
6.Irrigate the canal to remove the suspended debris. The RCS RROBE F for irrigation is recommended.